We all know that Trails Offroad™ is built with the best Trail Guides and information on the market, but now you have the ability to organize and plan like never before! With organization being a cornerstone of successful adventure, we hope this new feature becomes an essential tool for all of your trips. Lists on Trails Offroad™ are a collaborative way to organize offroad trails, plan solo trips, keep groups on track, and share information. Let's dive into it!
View and Create Lists
To view your lists or lists shared with you, tap the "Lists" tab on the bottom menu bar.
From here, you can see your lists, which have three curated lists: Completed, Favorites, and Bucket List. The completed list is auto-populated when you leave a Trail Review with a star rating. You can also view any lists that have been shared with you. To create a new list, simply tap "Create New List" on the bottom of the screen.
Add/Remove Trails
There are multiple ways to add trails to a list. First, you can start by searching for trails using the map feature. When you have found a trail that you want to add to a list, tap the folder button on the trail placard on the right side of the picture. If you are viewing the trail, the folder icon will be at the top right of your screen.
Alternatively, you can head to the list you want to add to and search for trails using the "+" icon.
Manage Members
Under the "Shared With" heading, you can see everyone who is in the list, or share it with new members by sharing via URL or inviting them by email. Be sure to turn on "Can Edit" if you want to give that member the editing abilities outlined below.
- View simply allows them to view the list, leave comments, and share the list. (Please note that free users will simply see grey tracks for Trail Guides that require All-Access, and they will not see the difficulty in the trail cards.)
- Edit can do everything a viewer can, including adding/removing trails, reordering them, and leaving notes on them.
Please note that anyone can share a list, but the list creator will still need to approve the request.
To edit existing members, tap "Edit" at the top right, then tap the arrow next to "Manage Shared With." From here, you can change permissions or remove members.
Other List Features
After selecting a list, there are a number of different features. You can share a list, view comments, or add trails to a list directly from the main list view. The list creator is the only one that can approve requests.
To edit the name, change the overview, remove or reorder trails, or delete a list, tap "Edit" on the top right of the screen.