The All-Access base map allows users to see land management across the US. This feature is only available to All-Access users.
First, open the map view by tapping the "Map" tab in the bottom menu bar, then tap the map icon on the left-hand side of the screen. This will open the map options, where you can select the All-Access basemap (if not already selected).
When in map view, tap the "i" button on the bottom left of the screen to load the legend.
Here, you can see the difference between a Full Trail Guide and a Scout Route, Difficulty Ratings represented by their respective colors, Road Types, and Land Management.
You can long-press on select roads denoted by MVUM or Unmaintained Roads styling to view more information about that specific road.
You can also long-press anywhere on the map to see the Management Agency and other information if available.
Please note the areas on the map with either green or red stripes. The green stripes indicate a wilderness area where vehicle traffic is prohibited except for specific road and trail easements.
The red stripes indicate military, where any travel is prohibited, with the rare exception of a few areas where a permit is required, ie. El Camino Del Diablo.