Each waypoint has an icon indicating the features of that waypoint. Below is a list of all of the possible icons and their meanings.
Camping There is camping available; dispersed, designated, or improved. |
Point of Interest A worthy stopping point, there is something to see, such as an overlook, historic remnants, or a change in scenery. |
Obstacle There is a notable change in trail conditions, causing an obstacle. This could be rocky, washouts, narrow spots, water crossings, etc. |
Directional There is another connecting road or trail or other means of confusion for the direction of travel. Directions to stay on the given trail will be indicated. |
Bathroom A bathroom is available. This could be a modern facility, a pit toilet, or anything in between. |
Staging Area A staging area is a notably large parking area where one could meet a group, prepare for the trip, or park trailers and tow vehicles. |
Charging Station A charging station is available for electric/hybrid vehicles. |